Sunday, April 16, 2023

What is gematria numbers

gematria numbers are an ancient numbering system, different from other numerical systems in that they act like a code. In gematria, certain letters and words carry specific numerical values when added together. The concept is thought to have originated in ancient Hebrew and was traditionally used to interpret passages of the Bible, but is now being used globally for diverse purposes.

Gematria can be described as a universal language of sorts, where each letter corresponds to a number. This is done with the help of an alphabet that assigns numbers from 0 to 9, rather than A through Z like modern alphabets. For example, in Hebrew Gematria (the most commonly used version) the first letter of the alphabet (aleph) corresponds with "1" while the ninth letter (tet) corresponds to "9".

Once these numerical assignments are established, words and sentences can be broken down into individual letters and their respective values. These values are then added up together to form an overall number or figure that represents whatever concept was being discussed or written about. For example, if a person wanted to calculate how many letters were in a certain phrase they would simply add together all of the numerical values assigned to each of its individual letters.

The use of gematria isn't limited just to words and simple phrases either; entire books and works can be reduced down into one single collective number that indicates some underlying meaning or idea behind them. This has allowed for detailed analysis into various ancient works such as religious texts as well as providing insight into more modern works such as literature or even song lyrics.

Additionally, there is speculation as to whether or not gematria has effects on our subconscious mind through vibrations created by our thoughts and emotions themselves manifesting into physical forms according to these same numbers assigned by Gematria. Although this hasn't been proven scientifically quite yet, many people view this system as spiritually valuable or meaningful either within their own lives or even throughout history itself due its ancient roots and cross-cultural applications.

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